Read me before you sign up 😊 👇

  • Women who want to get out into nature, set themselves a challenge and meet new people.

  • The hikes, unless specifically mentioned, will be suitable for all levels but will have a degree of challenge to them.

  • At the moment, hikes are approximately every 4 weeks.

  • No. There is no leader on the hikes. I do my best to choose hikes with a clear path, the rest we figure out together :)

  • We find that 10-20 people (depending on the type of hike) is the best size for the most fun :)

  • We all have that voice inside our heads that tells us we can’t do things. This is your chance to tell it to, literally and figuratively, take a hike 👋

  • Absolutely! The best way to do it in our opinion. You could be waiting an age for friends and family to be available!

  • Nope :)


Adventure awaits.

No matter what brings you here, we’re excited to be on this journey together and can’t wait to start going on adventures with you. Our hiking group is a little different in that there are no pros, just good times. We limit the number of people on each hike, so we can really get to know each other and have a lot of fun in the process!

Club members get notified of upcoming hikes with the option to book their place, as well as a few more perks…👀